shinobi CTF



CSAW CTF Reversing 100


Challenge tablEZ Bobby was talking about tables a bunch, so I made some table stuff. I think this is what he was talking about... Solution Given file is 64-bit ELF file. It seems crack me style binary. $ file tablez tablez: ELF 64-bit LSB …

CSAW CTF Forensics 150


Challenge Missed Registration It's registration day! These forms just seem longer and longer... pcap file is here Solutions Almost of all packets are HTTP POST packets. They looks like sending data normally, but some packet include x param…

ASIS CTF Final 2017 Reversing ABC


今回は問題を解くことができませんでした。備忘録として残します。 Challenge Description: Start Reverse Solution 64bitのELFファイルが与えられます。ひとまず実行してみます。 $ ./abc give me flag... :D $ ./abc 12345 Sorry, try harder :( 引数に期…